Wednesday, February 20, 2013

kuekerel26's Fun album on Photobucket
1. I thought it was very interesting creating the value scale and color wheel. I enjoyed creating the color wheel the best because I was able to explore the ways different colors can be mixed and created. I have never done anything like this before and thought it was a great learning activity. 2. I enojoyed the color wheel because it allowed to be more expressive and creative. I was able to determine what color I should add more of to get the desired color. The color wheel let me understand how three colors can be used to create 8+ more. 3. The most important discover in the creation of these studies was that black could be created using cyan, magenta, and yellow. The value scale allowed me to see that are various shades of light as well as various shades of dark. 4. The most imporant information I learned from watching these videos is it can be done. I thought it was next to impossible to create all those colors using only three. But, the video showed how to do it and to be creative with it!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


kuekerel26's PROJECT 1 album on Photobucket
I enjoyed learning about the different elements of the principles of design as well as the elements of design. Caputuring these pictures has allowed me to have a better understanding of these concepts. I think this project has allowed to view art in a different way by understanding these elements.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Module 3

1.      Describe color and its effects on emotions.

Color is a reflection of light that is reflected off of objects. Color is a powerful communication tool that affects feelings, moods, and emotions. Color can be used to signal action, influence mood, and cause reactions. Different colors influence the way you feel. For example, the color red in society has been taught to mean various things. The color red can be seen as danger or stop! Or it can also mean love and happiness. Color is way to express ones feelings. Different colors have been somewhat learned to have a certain effect on physiological well being. Blue is another color that is supposed to bring a calming feeling to one’s mind. Color is something that cannot define one feeling because it is sometimes short-term feeling. Also, color has different meanings in different cultures.


2.      What is a theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates you? Why?

The theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates me is that is has so many different meanings. Color cannot be simply be described in just one word. It has so many different perceptions to people. A color has so many dimensions meaning it has endless concepts. Color is amazing because it can trigger ones mood. Color is equivalent to words meaning they both have the ability to impact ones mood. A color has the power bring about an emotion in an individual.


3.      In the Color video, what made the biggest impact on you regards to color and its effects on emotions?

In the Color video, the biggest impact on me in regards to color and its effects on emotion is the sequence of paintings that Mark Rothko created. Mark Rothko exemplified a hate/hate relationship for the paintings he created for the Four Seasons Hotel. His use of the red colors showed his anger and outrage towards the future customers at the Four Seasons Hotel.


4.      In the Feelings video, what made the biggest impact on you regards to color and its effects on emotions?

In the Feelings video, the biggest impact on me in regards to color and its effects on emotion is Goya’s paintings. Goya believed that social progress was possible during the Enlightenment period. Goya however, showed the darker side of individuals. The expressions on individuals expressed a darker side of life. The colors used were more dark and gloomy which brought about these emotions in me as well.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Module 2

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

In the video, "Aesthetics: Philosophy of Arts", the key concepts I learned the various viewpoints of different philosophers in history. The philosopher’s Kant, Hutchison, and Plato each had their perspective on aesthetics and what makes something beautiful. I found to be very interesting that as time passed so did the philosophers viewpoints however, they still shared a common knowledge of aesthetics. The individualization of these philosophers show how creative and unique their minds were.

In the video "CARTA: Neurobiology Neurology and Art and Aesthetics", the key points I learned were the eight laws of art, the affect on the brain that is caused by pieces of art, and Ramanchandrans explanation of peak shift.

In the article, “What the brain draws from: Art and neuroscience”, the key concepts learned are color vs. luminance, faces in art, shadows and mirrors, and why as humans we like art.

2. Which philosopher's theory on aesthetics do you feel is most important? Be sure to mention the philosophers name, era (time in history), and contribution to the aesthetic theory in your response.

I believe that Hutchinson’s theory on aesthetics is the most important. He was an 18th century philosopher from England. Hutchison’s inquiry was concerned with beauty, order, harmony, and design. Morality was central to his work and his contemporaries. Hutchinson was also the first systematic philosophical of all time.

3. What do you think about Changeux and Ramachandran scientific view of aesthetics and art? What was the most interesting fact you discovered from each speakers lecture?

Changeux and Ramachandran's scientific view of aesthetics and art were both very interesting. An interesting fact from Changeux's lectures was the Discovery of Art Composition regarding the Homo sapiens. He basically compared Homo sapiens to art and how their relevancy. I thought it was interesting how he spoke about artifacts being works of art.

Ramachandran's lecture was very interesting and informative. The part that caught my attention me was how he said "works of art have such an effect on the human mind". His eight laws of art had an impact as well as, "art as metaphor" was very appealing.

Ramachadran and Changeux lectures were both very compelling and made you think outside of the box. They both brought up some great points regarding science and aesthetics.

4. How do the videos and article relate to the readings in the text?

The videos relate the readings in the text in various ways. The text and videos talk about the different components that make up the history of art. The article also relates to the text describes the view points of artists on their artwork and the videos describe the famous philosophers and speaker's viewpoints on art, science, and aesthetics. I found from reading and watching the videos, how aesthetics is so relevant in art.  

5. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics in your reading in the text?

The films were a very interesting concept. It was interesting to hear viewpoints from other philosophers regarding art and aesthetics. It adds much depth to my understanding of the topics because it allows me to look art in a more unique way. It also gives me the advantage to understand what aesthetics is. Changuex and Ramachandran also gave interesting perspectives regarding and science and how it relates to art. All these elements help to create an expansion of view on art.

Monday, February 4, 2013


1. The process of setting up the Gmail account was very simple. However, the only complication I ran into was the the fact that I thought I would be able to use to my already existent Gmail account. Once I created a new Gmail account everything became relatively easy.

2. I expect to learn about various pieces of art. Also, I expect to learn about the history of the art work and their creators. I love learning about the person behind the art and what trials and tribulations may have inspired their work.

3. I am excited and nervous to take an online course. I have always tried to avoid them because it is sometimes easier to be taught in a classroom setting. However, I think the way this online course is set up with much interaction will make it much more enjoyable.

Online Course

I am very excited to take this online course and look forward to the communication and outlook from my fellow classmates!