Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Module 3

1.      Describe color and its effects on emotions.

Color is a reflection of light that is reflected off of objects. Color is a powerful communication tool that affects feelings, moods, and emotions. Color can be used to signal action, influence mood, and cause reactions. Different colors influence the way you feel. For example, the color red in society has been taught to mean various things. The color red can be seen as danger or stop! Or it can also mean love and happiness. Color is way to express ones feelings. Different colors have been somewhat learned to have a certain effect on physiological well being. Blue is another color that is supposed to bring a calming feeling to one’s mind. Color is something that cannot define one feeling because it is sometimes short-term feeling. Also, color has different meanings in different cultures.


2.      What is a theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates you? Why?

The theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates me is that is has so many different meanings. Color cannot be simply be described in just one word. It has so many different perceptions to people. A color has so many dimensions meaning it has endless concepts. Color is amazing because it can trigger ones mood. Color is equivalent to words meaning they both have the ability to impact ones mood. A color has the power bring about an emotion in an individual.


3.      In the Color video, what made the biggest impact on you regards to color and its effects on emotions?

In the Color video, the biggest impact on me in regards to color and its effects on emotion is the sequence of paintings that Mark Rothko created. Mark Rothko exemplified a hate/hate relationship for the paintings he created for the Four Seasons Hotel. His use of the red colors showed his anger and outrage towards the future customers at the Four Seasons Hotel.


4.      In the Feelings video, what made the biggest impact on you regards to color and its effects on emotions?

In the Feelings video, the biggest impact on me in regards to color and its effects on emotion is Goya’s paintings. Goya believed that social progress was possible during the Enlightenment period. Goya however, showed the darker side of individuals. The expressions on individuals expressed a darker side of life. The colors used were more dark and gloomy which brought about these emotions in me as well.

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