Saturday, May 11, 2013

Blog Reflection

1. The projects I chose to review were The Beauty of City by Brandon Martens, Colorful Expression; A Closer Look at the Art of Cubism, and Land, Land, All Around by Victoria Renodin. 2. I selected the exhibit to critique because I thought Brandon Martens idea and concepts were very interesting. I wanted to learn more about his exhibit and find out the pieces of art he chose to be in his exhibit. 3. I didn’t really face any challenges while writing the critique. I thought it flowed smoothly. My selection of Brandon’s exhibit really helped me to right a successful critique because I had so many different ideas and opinions to contribute to his exhibit 4. I thought it was fun critiquing my peers work. They had so many different, interesting ideas. I think it’s amazing how when you put no limits on a project all the different creativities that can evolve from each and every one of us. 5. Yes, I would love to hear their different ideas and comments. I would like to see what they like, didn’t like, or maybe something I could have added or changed. 6. I would rate my finished article a 10. I completed it to the best of my ability and critiqued all of the areas necessary. 7. Yes, I enjoyed working on this project because it was something I never have experienced before. Being a business major, there isn’t much opportunity to complete projects of this nature so it really allowed me to think outside of the box.

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