Sunday, April 14, 2013

kuekerel26's Masks album on Photobucket
1. I selected the inspiration pieces because they both were extremly unique looking masks to me. mask 1, with the blonde hair expresses very human natured characterisics.Its linked very closely to a human face and that is why I decided to use this mask an inspiration to create mine. I chose mask 2 because it is very simple but shows much depth and creates 3D mask that is very unique. I thought the two colors chosen made the facial charactersitics pop out more. I chose mask 3 because of all the colors and variety in the mask. I chose concepts from all three of the masks to inspire my final project. 2. Mask 1; Describe: Very humanistic mask with real life features, it almost comes across as a dramaitized human features. Analyze: Very unique mask from a Mexico created background. Is very unique and reali at the same time. Intrepret: shows almost an individual who is somewhat angry with a frightening expression on the mask. However, the way the artist created the mask it is very captivating. Decide: I decided to choose this mask because it inspired me to use some real life features in my mask. Mask 2; Describe-Uses only two colors of yellow and blue however, the colors chosen allow the mask facial features to stand out and really capitavate the 3D of the mask. Analyze: a very pronounced feature mask that shows that masks really can use all sorts of different elements to create. It can either use various colors or just keep it simple. Intrepet: This mask is used to show how the artist views facial expressions of individuals and even though the colors on the mask are not a human skins color, you still can see past the colors and view the features. Decide: I used this mask because I wanted to incorporate the 3D visuals into my mask and the artist to create this mask. Mask 3; Describe: An extremly vibrant colored mask that that shows so much unique and creativity. It is something that looks closly to an alligator or some type of animal with very expressive colors. Analyze: This mask shows much color and creativity that it makes it hard to just focus in on one area. I almost didn't even notice it looked like an animal because I was paying attention to the colors and patterns chosen within the mask. Intrepet: a very artisitc way to express a mask that is extremly unqiue and shows much individuality. Decide: I liked this mask because of the colors and there wasnt just one area to focus in on but, many. It also kept you imagination running. 3.
kuekerel26's FInished Product album on Photobucket
4. I used a lot of color when creating this mask because I wanted to keep it very unique and fun spiritied. I also chose to texture in the cheeks and forehead to show that the person is smiling and using certain muscles in their face. I also chose to use pattern because I did keep the colors consistent on each side of the face. Lines were definitly a big portion of my mask as well creating much definition. 5. I thought the finished product of my mask turned out really cool. I didn't really know what to expect because we had no boundaries. However, reviewing different masks it really helped to put my own mask into perspective. I thought it was fun creating the mask I always find creating art to be sort of a stress reliver because it takes your mind off other things. I was excited with the turnout of my mask and can't wait to see what kinds the other students created!

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