Sunday, April 28, 2013

Video Reviews

1. Key concepts learned in The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art: is • Art historians refer to it as pop surrealism, practitioners call it Lowbrow • Art that no else knows how to categorize it • Initially used in relation to naked girls (pornography) • Disneyland, surfing, and suburbia went into being an inspirations for Lowbrow • Female artists really began to the forefront throughout Lowbrows evolution Displaying Modern Art: The Tate Approach: • Tate curators developed a new method utilizing theme-based museums • It ignored women artists of 20th century • Moma opened in 1929, planted new displays which dominated modern art • Works of art soon were categorized and placed on white walls Bones of Contention: Native American Archaeology: • Bones take on a central role in a war of alternate perspectives • The remains of more than 10,000 Native American unearthed at archaeological sites across the United States. • Archaeologists and anthropologists have collected and studied them at will • It’s a terrible loss of knowledge An Acquiring Mind: Phillipe de Montebell and the Metropolitan: • Phillipe de Montebell served for 31 years as director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art • Mr. de Montebell guided the acquisition of more than 84,000 works of art • He wouldn’t represent an artist unless they had outstanding work • In 1870, the museum opened with 174 European artists 2. The Lowbrow video doesn’t relate to my exhibition because all of my works of art chosen for the theme have a well defined category. The Tate approach did relate to my exhibition because it the method and the idea of curator both utilize a theme-based approach. The Native America video didn’t relate with my exhibition because there wasn’t any artifacts used in my them, only paintings. Phillip de Montenell and the Metropolitan related to my them because de Montebell carefully chooses works of art like I did for my exhibit. 3. The opinions of the films were very interested and added much depth to my understanding of museums. I also learned a new term of “lowbrow”, which I have never heard before. I also have a better understanding of what exactly goes into the process of artifacts at a museum.

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