Saturday, April 13, 2013

Blog 10 Buddhism and Hinduism

1.      I decided to watch Buddhism because I wanted to learn more important facts about the religion. It is such an important religion with a long history that I thought it would greatly benefit me to understand the history and evolution of Buddhism. I chose to watch Hinduism because I wanted to also learn more about this religion and its culture. I thought it would be interesting to see the similarities and differences between Buddhism and Hinduism.

2.      Key concepts I learned in Buddhism is:

·         Buddhism was birthed in India and quickly spread to other lands

·         Siddhartha Gautama asked a question is that all there is? When he went out into the real world and saw death and despair

·         The key to Buddha’s teaching is Tahnna, the extinguishing of all desire for pleasure all the preoccupations that feed the ego.

·         Buddha proclaimed the basic message of love

·         He was totally committed to the seizing of ill

Key concepts I learned in Hinduism:

·         To the western mind Hinduism seems relatively exotic

·         Varanasi is the holiest city of Hinduism with 3000 year old religious story

·         The great river Ganges is a powerful symbol of Hinduism. It is a symbol of dramas and God’s love for the earth. But, for the Hindus it known also for death and reincarnation

·         Unlike Christians, Hindus believe that life is million and billion years of life death and rebirth

·         Hindus can worship anywhere just like the Muslims


3.      The videos relate to the text by both explaining the history and culture of the religions through their art and architecture. They both explain the importance and evolvement of the religions. Buddhism and Hinduism, in the text and videos, both explain different concepts of the religions and help to give a better understanding of religions and linkage to its art history.

4.      I enjoyed watching the films especially the Hinduism video. I really thought it was an interesting religion and enjoyed watching it the most. I think Hinduism and Buddhism are both interesting religions especially with the different concepts they believe in. They add a greater depth to my understanding because it always helps to experience and learn visually. I already had an understanding from the text but actually watching helped put it all together.

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