Sunday, April 28, 2013

Art Curator

The process for creating my theme took a long time because I went back and forth as to what theme I should pick. There were so many options and I had to narrow it down. It was also the first time that I have created a themed exhibit so I wanted to make sure it would come out just right. When I first started I chose the theme of a womans beauty displayed in art however, as I started the project it slightly changed to the unqiue qualities of women displayed in art. I liked this idea better because I was able to choose more the artworks that I thought were absolutly gorgous. I went on various web sites, mainly art gallery sites, and chose some of the most beautiful work I could find. From there, I put my presentation together and I thought it came out great. When I was creating it I also thought of what my classmates were putting together and I can't wait to see the different themes that they put together!!

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