Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Videos on Sculpting, Glass, Ceramics, and Installation Art!

1. The key concepts learned in Through the Eyes of a Sculptor are: a. Emmanuel Fillon became a carver before he became a sculptor b. When an artist moves away from their homeland they realize their culture and everything that has been given to them. c. Silicon impressions provide great detail. The clay is the original work d. Sculptures need much time to be created especially depending on the amount of detail. e. Sculptures can be seen as soft, jagged, and show a various amounts of textures. The key concepts learned in Glass and Ceramics is: a. Glass and ceramics are some of the oldest man-made material b. Glass is made from sand one of the most abundant materials on earth c. There are two traditional glass-making techniques: glass blowing and the art of stained glass windows d. Ceramic materials continue to grow. They are stronger than steel. e. Laminated glass is made by bonding two or several pieces together known as PVB. The key concepts learning in Installation Art is: a. Installation art is the artwork takes over the space and defines it. It is achieved by the individual artist. b. Three dimensional artworks c. Installation art is extremely unique and evolving d. It is the art of the moment and it has a wide range of works 2. The videos relate to the readings in the text because they both explain the key concepts and discuss what each of them is. They also discuss their uses and the various ways they can be used. I believe the text and videos play well off each other because they both covered very important concepts and then I was able to learn about it visually. 3. I enjoyed watching the films because it allowed my mind to branch off from the books concepts. It also allowed for me to witness these works of art visually and actually see how they are made. I was able to learn about the artists and their opinions of their creations. I also was able to see the logic before, during, and after these creations.

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