Friday, March 1, 2013

Gallery Visit 1

Painting 1- Edouard Vuillard's Oil on Cardboard French 1868-1940
The Painter Ker-Xavier Roussel and his Daughter

A. Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?
This artwork made an impression on me because if his ability to show the interior of this house in great detail. While looking at this paitning I almost felt as if I was there. Vuillard's intense detail makes me look at every aspect of the room shown.

B. Which artworks do I feel a connection with? Why?
I felt a connection with this particular artwork because it reminded of me when I was younger at my grandparents house. I loved the old fashioned appeal to the picture and found myself interested in every aspect of the room neglecting the two individuals in the painting.

C. Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why?
I would love to learn more about Vuillard's paintings and his different concepts. I did however, learn that many of his paintings were of interior design and things of that nature.

Painting 2- Paul Gaugin Oil on Canvas French 1848-1903
The Yellow Christ

A. Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?
This artwork made lasting impression on me for the simple fact that he chose to use the color of yellow to demonstrate Christ's skin color. It wasn't only the color that captivated me but how he showed the women mourning around him. It brought of feeling of sadness when I look at this painting. A lot of this sadness came from the colors he chose for Christ and his facial expression.

B. Which artworks do I feel a connection with? Why?
I felt a connection with this piece simply because I am a christian and went to a Catholic school. I have read so much about it but to see it through an artists eyes was a very unique experience for me.

C. Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why
I would like to learn of Gaugin artworks are mostly Christ related or if he branches off. I would also like to learn more about the artist and his upbringing which would help me understand why he chose to create such a beautiful piece of art.

Painting 3- Pablo Picasso Oil on Canvas Spanish 1881-1973
La Toilette

A. Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?
I think Pablo Picassos work is absolutly amazing and I found myself concecntrating on his unique work. I love how he expresses the human body in such a way that makes you wonder why. I was so curious as to why in this portrait was an individual holding a mirror to a completly naked women. Picasso's pieces are so unique and and interesting.

B. Which artworks do I feel a connection with? Why?
I feel a connection with most of Picasso's artworks. This is what makes him an amazing artist. His creations almost grab you and just make you wonder. It makes you wonder where are all of this thoughts coming from and you can analyze for hours and still come up with so many different ideas and concepts.

C. Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why?
I want to learn about all of his artworks. His creations to are masterpieces and you can tell he has such unique vision of the world he lived in. I want to learn more about this artists and his various works of art.

Painting 4- Albert Vierstadt Oil on Canvas American 1830-1902
The Marina Piccola

A. Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?
Vierstadt's, The Marina Piccola, was absolutely one of my favorite pieces that I was able to experience. It made me think of such a happy place. I think a lot had to do with the sun breaking through the clouds. But, it brought such a calming feeling over me. It almost seemed as if it was the calm after the storm.

B. Which artworks do I feel a connection with? Why?
I felt a great connection with this piece because I felt it was very different from the rest of the pieces I was looking at. It stood out to me. I loved the colors and the concept. It seemed so real to me which is why I enjoyed it so much.

C. Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why?
I would be interested in learning about Vierstadt's artwork for the simple reason of the feeling I experienced from looking at this particular artwork. I think he is another amazing artist at the gallery.

Painting 5- Fernand Leger Oil on Canvas

A. Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?
I really enjoyed looking at Leger's painting. I thought it was very unique and it reminded me of Picasso's work. There was just random objects everywhere and it makes you wonder where is the connection with all the discombobulated objects. It was very impressive though and I really enjoy artwork that almost doesn't make sense because you know the artist has method behind his madness.

B. Which artworks do I feel a connection with? Why?
I felt a connection with his work because it reminded me of Picasso's works. I love Picasso and thought it was interesting to see another artist with somewhat of the same vision. It drew me in and I found myself looking at this painting for quite some time.

C. Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why?
I would like to learn more about this artist because I found this piece and his other works at the gallery very interesting and very appealing to ones eye.

Painting 6- Henri Matisse Oil on Canvas French 1869-1954
La Musique

A. Which artworks make an impact or impression one me? Why?
This artwork had a lasting impression on me simply because of the way he drew the proportions. It was interesting how he chose to draw the wormen and other objects so much larger than the guitair and music book. The women were so painted so much larger to scale. I also loved his choice of colors and uniquess to this painting.

B. Which artworkds do I feel a connection with? Why?
I felt a great connection with artwork because I love art and I love music so the two combined made me gravitate towards this painting.

C. Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why?
I would like to learn more about this artists history along with his other paintings in the gallery.

kuekerel26's Albright Knox Gallery Visit 1 album on Photobucket

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on all of the artwork that you reviewed. I thought it was interesting that you were drawn to the painting especially those done with oil. I really like that you answered each of the three questions for all six of the paintings. I really like that you related some of the answers to your life, it made for a different connection to the pieces, really good thoughts!
